

These notes cover the steps to follow in order to upgrade major versions of the framework.

Upgrade from 3.0 to 3.1

The Themosis framework 3.1 is a minor upgrade and should normally not break existing 3.0 applications.

Release 3.1 finally brings a long-awaited feature: support for deprecations and warnings. This change stops converting WordPress user deprecations and warnings to PHP exceptions, which was causing an unpleasant experience while developing with the Themosis framework. From now on, warnings will be reported to a separate log file and no longer interrupt your development cycle while working in debug mode.

In order to upgrade to the Themosis framework 3.1, follow the steps below:

  1. Update the themosis/framework dependency version inside the root composer.json file like so: "themosis/framework": "^3.1"
  2. Update the config/logging.php of your application to the new configuration file. You want to make sure to add the new channel for deprecations.
  3. Finally run composer update from your terminal to upgrade your application.

See the changelog for more information.

Upgrade from 2.0 to 3.0

The Themosis framework 3.0 shares a lot of 2.0 APIs. The main changes from this release is the support of PHP 8+ mainly.

Themosis framework 3.0 does not work on PHP 7.x versions

In order to support PHP 8+, the framework is now bundled with Laravel 8.x. Another notable change is also the removal of our console CLI script. It is now replaced by Laravel artisan CLI file instead. All previous Themosis commands are still available under artisan. To view a list of available commands, run the following command in your terminal:

php artisan

Here is a list of a few things to change when upgrading to version 3.0:

  1. Salt keys are now set directly in your application .env file. On an existing application, make sure to copy the variables as found here in the .env.sample file and then run the php artisan salts:generate command from your terminal. Then update the config/wordpress.php file to retrieve salt keys values from the environment variables (example).
  2. The HTTP kernel is now supporting the WebSocket and API routes. Add the api.php and channels.php files inside the routes root directory. The files can be empty PHP files, or you can copy the default ones provided by the framework.
  3. Only PHP 8 and above is supported, so make sure to upgrade any custom code that is no longer supported in PHP 8+.
  4. Laravel 8 is now shipped with the framework. You might need to update some of your custom classes to support Laravel 8 APIs (version 2.0 of Themosis was using Laravel 5 in comparison).
  5. Rename the root console file to artisan and replace its content with this one.
  6. Configuration files have beeen updated. Compare your existing configuration files with the ones stored in our skeleton repository
  7. Update your config/app.php file by adding the following service providers: BroadcastServiceProvider and EventServiceProvider in the providers property.
  8. Update your composer.json dependencies, here is the default requirement and run composer update from your terminal. Also makes sure to update the post-autoload-dump script configuration to use the @php artisan script instead of @php console.


Users that were or still use Laravel Homestead, the laravel/homestead package is no longer set as a default dependency. Laravel Homestead is still supported, just make sure to keep the dependency in your project and follow official documentation based on your installation preferences.

The framework ships a Laravel Valet local driver on new installation, feel free to add it to your project. Only WordPress single installation is supported with Valet. For a multisite installation, it is recommended to use Laravel Homestead.

Upgrade from 1.3.* to 2.0

The Themosis framework 2.0 is not a backward compatible release. It does share some API with previous releases but as its directory structure has changed, you need to move your code with extra care.

The recommended way of upgrading an existing application to a 2.0 release is to create a new 2.0 project and move parts one by one. Here are general steps to look after in order to upgrade your application:

  1. Create a new project: composer create-project themosis/themosis your-app-name.
  2. Update the root .env file based on your application needs
  3. Move any custom WordPress constants you may have defined inside the old config/environments/local-or-production.php to the new config/wordpress.php file.
  4. Create a new theme: php console theme:install your-theme-name.
  5. Move your old theme routes to the new application routes file: routes/web.php.
  6. Move your old controllers to the new application controllers directory: app/Http/Controllers. Take care of changing the default namespace of your classes to App\Http\Controllers.
  7. If you have external dependencies, add them to the root composer.json file and update. Move specific business PHP classes, if any, inside the app directory and change their namespace accordingly.
  8. Move your old theme views inside the new theme views directory defined at theme's root.
  9. Move your old theme admin files into the new theme inc folder.
  10. Move your old theme config files into the new theme config folder located at theme's root.
  11. If you have widgets inside your old theme, move them inside the application app/Widgets directory and register them within the app/Hooks/Widgets.php file.
  12. In order to register your theme assets, you now have to call the to() method on each instance. The to method default to the front end side.
  13. For theme translations, use the THEME_TD constant and update gettext files accordingly.
  14. If you use the global front-end javascript object for your application and need to pass custom data through the filter, the filter name has changed to themosis_front_global.

If you developed custom plugins on previous releases using the plugin boilerplate, those are no longer compatible with the 2.0 release. Plugin configuration has been simplified and is more straightforward. Just like the theme, it is best to start a new plugin and move parts one by one:

  1. Use the php console plugin:install your-plugin-name to start a new plugin

The plugin structure follows the same file organisation than the theme. Make sure to read the plugin guide for more information.


  1. The media and collection fields only work with a metabox instance
  2. PostType, Metabox, Page and Field API have changed their APIs and are more verbose. You no longer set properties by passing an array on a set method. Please check the documentation for each API if you use them.


  1. The infinite field is no longer included within the framework for now

Upgrade from 1.2.* to 1.3.0

Follow the steps below if you're using version 1.2.x and want to upgrade to version 1.3.0. Version 1.3.0 has many code breaking changes, so take extra care to each step. We recommend you to upgrade your project using another branch and merge it once complete. For this update, you'll need to upgrade the root files, your custom theme root files and code and finally run a tiny database query in order to make your existing project work with the Themosis framework 1.3.0.

Upgrade project root

  1. Rename the bootstrap/start.php file into bootstrap/autoload.php.
  2. Replace the bootstrap/autoload.php file content with this one.
  3. Replace the config/shared.php content with this file.
  4. Update your config/environments/local.php file accordingly based on the new one.
  5. Remove deprecated environments constants from all of your environments files (local, staging, production, ...):
  6. If you use any of these deprecated constants, be sure to update your project accordingly.
  7. Replace htdocs/wp-config.php file with this one.
  8. Replace library/Thms/Config/Environment.php class content with this updated class.
  9. Add a twig sub-folder into the storage directory.
  10. Remove the .php extension to all of your .env.{location} files.
  11. Update all .env.{location} files content based on the DotEnv package syntax. Here is an example of the default .env.local file to help you update your code.
  12. Update the root composer.json file based on the framework new one and update your require statements based on your project needs.
  13. Before running an update, verify that your current developed theme folder is not named themosis-theme otherwise it will be overwritten. In some cases, you must also delete your composer.lock and themosis-framework folder in order to get latest and overwrite cached versions.
  14. Open your command line or console and update your composer installation by running first a composer self-update then update your project dependencies by running composer update. This will install all new framework dependencies.

Upgrade theme

If you have followed the previous steps, the framework core is up-to-date and a copy of the new themosis-theme has been installed as well into your themes directory for reference. The following steps will guide through the files to update, remove and move in order to make your custom theme compatible.

  1. Remove the bootstrap folder.
  2. From the new themosis-theme, copy its functions.php file and replace your theme’s functions.php file.
  3. Remove all the code from your theme index.php file. Leaving the file empty.
  4. Remove all theme index.php files placeholders except the index.php file located at theme’s root.
  5. Add a languages folder in your theme root in order to load your translation files if any.
  6. Move the assets folder located inside the resources directory to your theme’s root.
  7. At theme's root, create a dist folder and add css, images and js folders into it.
  8. If you don't have one already, copy the package.json file from the themosis-theme into yours.
  9. If you don't already use Gulp, copy the gulpfile.js file from the themosis-theme into yours.
  10. If you don't already have a webpack.config.js file, copy the webpack.config.js file from the themosis-theme into yours.
  11. (optional) New theme is bundled with Gulp and Webpack to handle assets. If you have existing Gulpfile, Bower,… configuration files, it’s optional to update them but Gulp is configured to look for assets inside the assets folder and compile them into the dist directory.
  12. (optional) Move your previously compiled CSS files into the new dist/css directory.
  13. (optional) Move your previously compiled JS files into the new dist/js directory.
  14. Find and replace all references of the themosis_assets() function with the themosis_theme_assets() function.
  15. Rename the application.config.php file to theme.config.php.
  16. Update the theme.config.php alias property with new one. Do not forget to add your custom aliases if previously defined.
  17. Copy the themosis-theme providers.config.php file inside your theme’s resources/config directory.
  18. Copy the themosis-theme resources/providers directory and its content into your theme's resources folder.
  19. Update the loading.config.php file and replace all instances of the previous path themosis_path(‘theme’) by themosis_path(‘theme.resources’)
  20. The new theme use a default PHP namespace, Theme\\. Append the service providers auto-loading rule into your loading.config.php file: 'Theme\\Providers\\' => themosis_path('theme.resources').'providers'.
  21. Update your models loading namespace key to Theme\\Models\\.
  22. Update your controllers loading namespace key to Theme\\Controllers\\.
  23. Update all your controllers and models classes to use the new theme namespace. For example on controllers classes: namespace Theme\Controllers;. If you already use custom namespaces for your theme, keep it and update files accordingly.
  24. (optional) If you already use custom namespace for your controllers, you have to update the resources/providers/RoutingService namespace in order to correctly use your controllers within the routes. Find and replace the 'Theme\Controllers' by your into the Route group method namespace property.
  25. Inside your resources/routes.php file, update your controller classes references to only their class name without the namespace. For example, if you had a class controller full name of Company\Awesome\Controller\Pages@show, such parameter would be now Pages@show.
  26. The BaseController class is no longer bundled within the theme. Please define its path by adding the following use statement at the top of each of your controller classes: use Themosis\Route\BaseController;.
  27. Find and replace all instances of the THEMOSIS_TEXTDOMAIN constant by THEME_TEXTDOMAIN constant. Make sure to check your config files as well.
  28. The Session::nonceName and Session::nonceAction constants have been removed. If you used them into your code, please define your own nonces.
  29. The PostType getSlug() method is deprecated. Update your code and use the get(‘name’) method.
  30. The Form checkboxes() method is deprecated. Update your code to use the checkbox() method instead.
  31. Rename all your view files to now use the .blade.php extension in place of the deprecated .scout.php extension.
  32. The directive {{ }} prints and escapes values now and the {!! !!} directive only prints the value. Update your views accordingly to avoid HTML content being escaped like the post content for example.
  33. For those using the Themosis page templates, the current version is now using WordPress core templates. Meaning that all the code referencing the meta key _themosisPageTemplate must be updated and reference the meta key _wp_page_template. Once your code updated, please refer to the last step below in order to update your postmeta database table.

For users who were working on the master branch, please update all references of container('config') or $theme['config'] by container('config.factory') and $theme['config.factory'] accordingly from your theme functions.php file.

Upgrade database

Since the framework now uses the WordPress core template system. You need to update your database postmeta table in order for your code to find the right page template. Open a MySQL console and run the following query (please change table name based on your database prefix):

  1. UPDATE wp_postmeta SET meta_key = '_wp_page_template' WHERE meta_key = '_themosisPageTemplate';
  2. Done! Congratulations.

Upgrade from 1.2.0 to 1.2.3

Follow the steps below if you're using version 1.2.x and want to upgrade to version 1.2.3.


Habitually minor release doesn't need a manual process but this one is an exception in order to fix the PHP class alias issue. Since release 1.2.0, class aliases have been moved from the theme to the core plugin. The idea behind this was to provide core aliases to the theme but as well to custom plugins.

But we have an issue. Defining class aliases into plugin is prone to conflicts between plugins and the currently active theme. After testing some ideas to avoid name conflicts, it was clear that plugins won't be able to define class aliases or put in other words, won't be allowed to define class aliases using the PHP class_alias function. Developers will have to use PHP namespace and its features for the development of their plugins.

Please note that plugin development is still in its infancy with the framework. Plugin development with full documentation will be available for release 1.3.0. only.

In the meantime, update your project and follow the steps below to get version 1.2.3:

  1. Be sure your working theme has been renamed to something else than themosis-theme.
  2. Open the Console or Terminal and run composer update from your project root.
  3. Replace your theme's bootstrap/start.php file by this one.
  4. Open your theme's config/application.config.php file and update the aliases property with the array list from this gist.
  5. Upgrade complete.

Upgrade from 1.1.* to 1.2.0

Follow the steps below if you're using version 1.1.x and want to upgrade to version 1.2.0.

  1. Create a storage folder at project root (same location as your main composer.json file).
  2. Inside the storage folder, create a views directory.
  3. Update your composer.json file and set your themosis-framework and themosis-theme version to 1.2.*.
  4. Run composer update.
  5. Update the start.php file located inside the bootstrap folder at project root with this file.
  6. Next, in your theme, replace functions.php file by the one found in the new installed themosis-theme.
  7. Rename your theme app folder to resources.
  8. Copy the bootstrap folder from the new installed themosis-theme into your own theme.
  9. Update your loading.config.php file by the one found in the new installed themosis-theme. PSR-4 autoloading is used in this version. Update your custom classes autoloading statements accordingly.
  10. Aliases defined inside application.config.php are now by default defined inside the core framework at least for core classes. You can override their aliases or add yours for your custom classes. If you don't have any custom aliases, you can specify an empty array by default.
  11. The Field API has been rewritten. If you have select and editor fields, check the new field documentation and update those fields as their arguments have been changed.
  12. Delete the installed themosis-theme.
  13. Upgrade complete. Enjoy!

Check the change log page for a list of new features and fixes available. Also, the documentation has been completely rewritten for this release with more examples, make sure to check it out.

If you have an error with your views storage, your project is missing the constant THEMOSIS_STORAGE. Please check step 5 above to fix this.


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