
Environment Setup


The Themosis framework has its own way for defining WordPress configurations. It's done on purpose to facilitate collaboration. By default, the Themosis framework comes with a local and a production environments pre-configured.

You'll start by registering your database credentials and application URLs into a .env.{environment}.php file located in the root directory of your project. Then you'll be able to define your environment configurations by modifying files located in the config directory.

Opening your project in a text editor or IDE should show you a default .env file: .env.local.php.

Load your environment

Let's start by installing your WordPress application on a local environment.

Follow the same steps for a remote/production environment or any custom ones.

1 - Set your credentials and URLs

Open the default .env.local.php file located in the root of your project. Fill in the values with your local database credentials and specify your local virtual host URLs.


// Local environment vars
return [

    'DB_NAME'     => 'your_database_name',
    'DB_USER'     => 'database_username',
    'DB_PASSWORD' => 'database_password',
    'DB_HOST'     => 'localhost',
    'WP_HOME'     => '',
    'WP_SITEURL'  => ''


WordPress is defined as a dependency and is loaded by the framework inside the cms directory located in the web root folder htdocs. Make sure to always define the WP_SITEURL value with /cms appended at the end.

The DB_NAME, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD, DB_HOST, WP_HOME, WP_SITEURL variables are all required. You can retrieve those values any time by using the PHP function getenv('DB_NAME');.

Once your credentials are registered, we need to identify the local environment.

2 - Identify your local environment

2 methods are available in order to identify your environment:

  • By looking at your machine/computer hostname
  • By looking after a server environment variable

Identify environment using the hostname

Default method used by the framework

In order for the framework to identify your local environment, you have to register your machine/computer hostname in the environment.php file located inside the config directory.

Find hostname on *NIX

Open your Terminal and simply run the following command:

Find hostname on Windows

Open your Console and run the following command:


Look at the first displayed line Host Name.

Once you get your hostname, open the environment.php file and replace the value of the local key:


// Define your environments
return [

    'local'      => 'WRITE YOUR HOSTNAME HERE',
    'production' => 'remote machine hostname'


The key defined in the environment.php file is used to load the .env.{$environment}.php file and also the {$environment}.php file located in the config/environments directory.

Multiple hostnames

In some scenarios, you'll probably need to define several hostnames per environment. In order to do so, you can pass an array of hostnames to each environment key like so:


// Define your environments
return [

    'local'      => ['computer1', 'computer2', 'computer3'],
    'production' => 'remote machine hostname'


Identify environment using a server environment variable

If you have total control of your web server and are able to set environment variable, you can use a closure in order to load the application environment configuration.


Normally you put a SetEnv statement inside your <VirtualHost> directive or if you don't have access to this configuration, you can add it inside your .htaccess file if allowed.

Specify a local environment variable for Apache:

SetEnv varName varValue

Now inside your environment.php file, in place of an array, you'll replace your code by a Closure like so:


return function()
    // Check for the environment variable
    if ('varValue' === getenv('varName'))
        // Return the environment file slug name: .env.{$slug}.php
        return 'local';

    // Else if no environment variable found... it might be a production environment...
    return 'production';

In the example above, if the getenv('varName') exists, this will load the the local environment file: .env.local.php located at the root of your application.


Nginx has a ENV function but this apparently only work in the main context of your web server. In order to specify an environment variable per server context, you will use the fastcgi_param statement.

server {
    location ~ \.php$ {
        include        fastcgi_params;
        fastcgi_index  index.php;
        fastcgi_param  SCRIPT_FILENAME  $document_root$fastcgi_script_name";

        # Your environment variable   #
        fastcgi_param varName varValue;

For Nginx, your environment variable is accessible by using $_SERVER[]. So inside your environment.php file, you'll write:


return function()
    // Check for the environment variable
    if ('varValue' === $_SERVER['varName'])
      // Return the environment file slug name: .env.{$slug}.php
      return 'local';

    // Else if no environment variable found... it might be a production environment...
    return 'production';

Now that your environment is defined, you can configure it to your needs.

3 - Add configurations

By default, the Themosis framework defines a local environment and loads the default local.php file stored in the config/environments folder:


// Local config
// Database
define('DB_NAME', getenv('DB_NAME'));
define('DB_USER', getenv('DB_USER'));
define('DB_PASSWORD', getenv('DB_PASSWORD'));
define('DB_HOST', getenv('DB_HOST') ? getenv('DB_HOST') : 'localhost');

// WordPress URLs
define('WP_HOME', getenv('WP_HOME'));
define('WP_SITEURL', getenv('WP_SITEURL'));

// Development
define('SAVEQUERIES', true);
define('WP_DEBUG', true);
define('SCRIPT_DEBUG', true);

// Themosis framework

This is the pre-configured local configuration file. You can add as many as you want configurations to this file. These are only available for your local environment.

Shared environment configuration

Some WordPress configurations are the same whatever environment you're using, like the authentication salts,...

Common configuration can be found into the shared.php file stored in the config directory.

In order to define shared configuration, you can edit this shared.php file. Fill in default configuration or add custom ones.

In order to finish our local configuration, open the shared.php file and fill in the authentication salts:


// Authentication unique keys and salts
define('AUTH_KEY',         'put your unique phrase here');
define('SECURE_AUTH_KEY',  'put your unique phrase here');
define('LOGGED_IN_KEY',    'put your unique phrase here');
define('NONCE_KEY',        'put your unique phrase here');
define('AUTH_SALT',        'put your unique phrase here');
define('SECURE_AUTH_SALT', 'put your unique phrase here');
define('LOGGED_IN_SALT',   'put your unique phrase here');
define('NONCE_SALT',       'put your unique phrase here');

Install WordPress

Once your environment is setup, open your browser and start the default WordPress installation process.

Note: After installation, be sure to first log in your WordPress administration and activate the theme in order to avoid the white screen of death.

Visit your project home page and you should be granted with a welcome message. Congratulations! You have installed WordPress and the Themosis framework.


Read the framework guide


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