The Page
class allows you to either create custom administrative pages that leverages the View API or either options pages that uses the WordPress Settings API combines with the Themosis framework Field API.
In order to create a page, type the following code:
Page::make($slug, $title, $parent = null, $view = null)->set();
Like other classes, it uses a set()
method in order to register the page.
The set()
method allows you to pass extra parameters for your page. The current parameters are: capability
, icon
, position
, tabs
$custom = Page::make('my-page', 'Theme options')->set([
'capability' => 'manage_options',
'icon' => 'dashicons-admin-site',
'position' => 20,
'tabs' => true
. This parameter is useful when you're using the WordPress Settings API. This parameter will tell to defined sections to behave like tabs or not.By default, the Page class is configured to create options pages that leverages the WordPress Settings API with a pre-defined View file.
If you simply call the following code, you'll get a blank page with its title:
Page::make('my-custom-page', 'A Custom Page')->set();
In order to create a custom page, you need to pass a View file just like for the "front-end". You can store this View file anywhere inside the views
directory of the themosis-theme
For example:
// File is stored in /resources/views/options/my-page.scout.php
<div class="wrap">
<h1>{{{ $__page->get('title') }}}</h1>
<li>Option 1</li>
<li>Option 2</li>
// Custom HTML content
Now pass this view into your Page::make()
method like so:
$page_view = View::make('');
Page::make('my-custom-page', 'A Custom Page', null, $page_view)->set();
Notice the
variable into the view. This variable is the instance of your Page. In the example above, we grabbed the title property registered with thePage::make()
You can also take advantage of the View composer method to execute code only when your custom page view is rendered and pass it extra data. Check the view guide for more information.
Beside building custom admin pages, the Themosis framework comes with an API to easily create settings pages.
In order to create a setting page, you have to define sections and custom settings per section.
By default, sections are organized by tab. But you can easily alter this behavior by setting the page parameter tabs
to false
like so:
Page::make('my-custom-page', 'A custom page')->set([
'tabs' => false
This parameter is important because if you use sections as tabs, your settings are saved with the section slug. If you decide to not use the tabs, your settings are saved with the page slug.
In order to define a section, simply use the Section
class like so:
// Add a section to an array
$sections[] = Section::make('section-slug-name', 'Section Title');
You can add as many sections as you want. Simply define a section slug and its name/title using the Section::make()
Now add the created sections to your page by calling the page addSections()
$page = Page::make('page-slug', 'Page Title')->set();
// Add the previously created section(s).
Now that we have sections, let's add settings.
To define settings for your page, simply use the Field
class. In an associative array, set the key
as the section slug name and assign an array value with associated fields/settings.
$settings['section-slug-name'] = [
The code above will add 3 settings to the section section-slug-name
Now add the settings to your page by calling the page addSettings()
method like so:
If you look in the admin, you should have an option page with one tab containing your 3 settings.
You can define validation/sanitized rules to your settings page. Simply call the validate()
method on your page like so:
'street-address' => ['textfield'],
'phone' => ['num', 'min:7'],
'theme-logo' => ['file:jpeg, jpg, png, gif']
You only need to specify the setting name
as the key and the value is a list of sanitization rules.
Please refer to the validation guide for available rules.
In order to read the values stored in your custom page options, check the option guide.
Discover the other features of the framework:
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