

The Themosis framework comes with a WP-CLI configuration file which points to the folder where WordPress is installed.

WP-CLI is a command line tool for handling your WordPress installation.

Install WP-CLI on UNIX like environment.

Please first check the WP-CLI requirements before installing it.

Execute the following statements in your Terminal:

curl -O
chmod +x wp-cli.phar
sudo mv wp-cli.phar /usr/local/bin/wp

This will allow you to use the wp command inside your Terminal.

Install WP-CLI on Windows.

Run the following composer statement from your Console:

composer create-project wp-cli/wp-cli --no-dev

This will download and create a directory wp-cli on your system. We recommend to store this directory on a location like c:\developer\tools\ to avoid mixing your development tools and personal files.

Then add the wp-cli\bin folder to your system variable PATH. For example, using the recommended installation location, you'll store the following path to your system variable PATH: c:\developer\tools\wp-cli\bin;

This will allow you to use the wp command inside your Console.


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