

Basic usage

Views contain the HTML of your website/application. They provide a convenient way of separating your controller and domain logic from your presentation logic. Views are stored in the resources/views directory of your themosis-theme theme.

Here is an example of a simple view:

<!-- View stored in resources/views/welcome.php -->
        <title>Welcome WordPress developers</title>
        <h1>Hello, <?php echo $name; ?></h1>

And this view may be returned to the browser like so:

Route::get('home', function()
    return View::make('welcome', ['name' => 'Julien']);

As you can see, the first argument passed to the View::make() method is the name of the view file stored in the resources/views/ directory. The second argument is an array of data available to the view. So inside the view file, you can access the $name variable with a value of Julien in this example.

Organize your views

You can organize your views into sub-directories of the resources/views directory. Use the "dot" notation to reference your view. For example, if you store a view file at resources/views/pages/home.php, you can access it like so:

return View::make('pages.home');

There is no limitation to the number of sub-folders you want to use to organize your views.

Passing data to views

As you saw in previous code examples, you can send data to a view by passing an array as a second argument to the View::make() method:

return View::make('home', ['name' => 'Joe']);

When using this method, the array should be with key/value pairs. Then, inside your view, you can access each value using its corresponding key like so:

<p><?php echo($name); ?></p>

As an alternative, you can also use the with() method to pass individual pieces of data to the view:

$view = View::make('welcome')->with('name', 'Joe');

Note: the with() method can also accept data as an array with key/value pairs.

Sharing data with all views

The View::share() method allows you to share data across all views of your WordPress application. The method accepts an array with key/value pairs or individual piece of data.

// Multiple data shared across views.
    'key'  => 'value',
    'blog' => 'WordPress'

// Single data shared across views.
View::share('key', 'value');

Render your views

Views are not reserved to your page templates only. In general, a view is compiled and is returned as a string. For example, you could create a view for an email, sending form data to it, render the view and return the compiled string as the email's message.

To compile your custom views, simply use the render() method like so:

$message = View::make('emails.message', ['data' => $data])->render();

// Use wp_mail function to send your email with your compiled view as the message
$sent = wp_mail($to, 'Subject', $message);

View composers

The View::composer($views, $callback) and View::composers($composers) methods allows you to run a callback or class instance method when a specific view is rendered. If you have data that you want to be bound to a view each time that view is rendered, a view composer can help you organize that logic into a single location.

Here is an example of a view composer that runs when the pages.home view is called:

// The following code could be written inside the admin/ folder
// or inside a controller class.
View::composer('pages.home', function($view)
    // Pass data to the view.
    $view->with('foo', 'bar');

// routes.php
Route::get('home', function()
    // Each time this view is rendered,
    // the registered view composer is called right before.
    return View::make('pages.home');

You can register one callback to run on multiple views like so:

View::composer(['pages.home', ''], function($view)
    // Pass the same data to the pages.home and views.
    $view->with('foo', 'bar');

In place of using a closure, you can also tell the method to look after a class method like so:

// Register a class
class MyComposerClass
    public function add($view)
        // Pass data to the view.
        $view->with('foo', 'Bar');

    // Default method used for a view composer.
    public function compose($view)

// The view composer.
// Use same syntax as for controllers.
View::composer('pages.home', 'MyComposerClass@add');

You can omit the method name when using a class instance as your composer. By default, the API is looking after a compose then a create method if the first one do not exists.

// Omit the method name.
View::composer('pages.home', 'MyComposerClass');

You can also define multiple composers using the View::composers method like so:

    'MyComposerClass'     => 'pages.home',
    'MyComposerClass@add' => 'pages.add',
    'OtherComposerClass'  => ['pages.home', 'pages.product']


Read the Scout template guide


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