


The Themosis framework now adds support to the Twig template engine. For a more detailed presentation of the Twig engine, please check the official documentation:

In this documentation, you'll find the basics operations on how to get started with the Twig engine as well as the Twig extension the Themosis framework has added in order to help you work with WordPress and its core functions within your views. For more advanced topics regarding Twig, please refer to the official documentation.

Basic usage

In order to use the Twig engine, all your view files should use the .twig extension.

Here is an example of a basic view, using Twig, stored inside the theme views folder:

<!-- View stored in views/welcome.twig -->
{% extends 'layouts/main.twig' %}

{% block main %}
    <h1>Hello, {{ name }}</h1>
{% endblock %}

{% block sidebar %}
    <h3>Latest posts</h3>
        {% for item in items %}
            <li>{{ item.post_title }}</li>
        {% endfor %}
{% endblock %}

And this view may be returned to the browser like so:

Route::get('home', function ($post, $query) {
    $posts = $query->get_posts();
    return view('welcome', ['name' => 'Julien', 'items' => $posts]);

In the previous example, we used the {% extends 'layouts/main' %} syntax. This function allows you to use layouts:

<!-- Layout stored in views/layouts/main.twig -->
{{ include('header.twig') }}
    <div class="container">
        {% block main %}{% endblock %}

    <div class="sidebar">
        {% block sidebar %} 
            <p>Sidebar section from the "main.twig" layout file.</p>
        {% endblock %}
{{ include('footer.twig') }}

Compared to the Blade engine, in Twig, you cannot omit the .twig file extension when referring to a view layout or a view you would like to include. Another comparison, is the path to your views. Where Blade uses a dot notation, with Twig, you stick to classic path notation using the / symbol.

Twig control structures

Include views

{{ include('header.twig') }}

This command can include a view file called header.twig.

Included views can access variables defined from their parent view. So compared to Blade, you don't have to pass a second argument array with view variables. See also the official documentation for template inheritance.


Overwrite section

Add the {% block %} and {% endblock %} statements to overwrite a layout section.

{% extends 'layouts/main.twig' %}

{% block sidebar %}
    <p>New sidebar content</p>
{% endblock %}

Extend parent section

Add the {{ parent() }} function in order to keep the content of the parent section defined in the layout view.

{% extends 'layouts/main.twig' %}

{% block sidebar %}
    {{ parent() }}
    <p>Child sidebar content appended to parent's content</p>
{% endblock %}

Echo data

Hello {{ name }}

By default the double curly braces echo the data but DO NOT escape it.

In Twig, no need to prepend your variable name with a $ sign. Simply refer the name only between the curly braces.

Echo escaped data

In Twig, in order to print escaped data, you'll use filters. The e filter tells Twig to escape the variable value before it gets printed. Here is an example:

Hello {{ name|e }}

In order to use a filter, simply add a | sign followed by one or multiple filters. The e filter escapes HTML by default. Check the escape filter documentation for more details. You can also get a list of all Twig filters here.

Echoing data after checking for existence

By default you could write the following statement:

{{ isset(name) ? name : 'Default' }}

Instead of writing a ternary statement, Twig allows you to use the following convenient short-cut:

{{ name ?? 'Default' }}

Conditional statements


{% if value %}
    <p>The value is {{ value }}.</p>
{% elseif value is iterable %}
    <p>The value is an array.</p>
{% else %}
    <p>Something is wrong, there is no value.</p>
{% endif %}

In Twig, you cannot run PHP functions like you do in a classic PHP file or Blade view. Twig provides multiple helpers to meet your needs through the use of filters, tags, tests. In the code example from above, we use the test function iterable in order to check that our value is an array like value (which is identical to is_array($value)).

The Themosis framework Twig extension provides helpers to call core PHP and WordPress functions. Read the details below.

Loop statements

For - Foreach

In Twig, there is one for tag to loop through an iterable variable.

Using a number sequence like in a PHP for loop for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++):

    {% for i in 0..9 %}
        <li>Item {{ i }}</li>
    {% endfor %}

Using an associative array and iterate over keys and values like a PHP foreach:

{% for key, value in items) %}
    <p>This {{ value }} opens that {{ key }}.</p>
{% endfor %}

Check the official documentation for more information about the for tag.

Displaying raw text

If you need to display a string that is wrapped in curly braces, you may escape the Twig behavior by surrounding your code with the verbatim tag like so:

{% verbatim %}
    {{ This is not processed by Twig }}
{% endverbatim %}

Displaying raw content

When outputting text which contains markup (like content from a rich editor or the post thumbnail), you'll want to display it as raw content. You can achieve this result with the raw filter:

{{ post.post_content|raw }}


Use the {# ... #} statements to add comments into your Twig view:

{# This comment will not be rendered in HTML #}

Extending Twig

The Twig template engine can be extended and provides extra features needed for your project. In this section, we're not going through what you can do to extend Twig but rather how to retrieve the engine instance.

If you want to explore what kind of extensions you can add to Twig, please read the official documentation.

Now, in order to register your extensions, you need to fetch the Twig Environment instance and call its addExtension method:

use Themosis\Support\Facades\Twig;

Twig::addExtension(new \Twig_Extension_Optimizer())

We recommend you to register Twig extensions from a service provider. Check the Service provider guide for more information.

Themosis Twig Extension

The Themosis framework provides a Twig extension with multiple helpers in order to ease your transition to the engine for your templates/views.


Twig do not let you use PHP functions inside your .twig templates like you would in a classic PHP file. Meaning that from a Twig template, you cannot make this for example:

<p>{{ ucfirst(name) }}</p>

So in order to bring the use of PHP functions, the Themosis framework Twig extension has added 2 helpers:

  • A function fn
  • A fn namespace

The fn keyword is for function and let you call any PHP function.

Function fn

The Twig function fn first argument is the name of the PHP function you want to call, and following arguments are arguments to pass to the original PHP function. Here is an example:

<h1>{{ fn('bloginfo', 'name') }}</h1>

which calls the WordPress function bloginfo('name').

Here is another example from our ucfirst sample from above:

<p>{{ fn('ucfirst', name) }}</p>

Namespace fn

The namespace fn behaves exactly like the global fn and lets you call any PHP functions with a different syntax like so:

<h1>{{ fn.bloginfo('name') }}</h1>

The namespace fn is easier to use as it lets you call PHP functions like "usual".Here is the example with the ucfirst function:

<p>{{ fn.ucfirst(name) }}</p>

WordPress functions

By default you can call any PHP and WordPress functions using our fn helper. But in order to ease the development we've already added some most used WordPress functions to Twig. This means that you can call the following functions like you're used to within your Twig template.

Here is the list of already defined WordPress functions for Twig:

  • wp_head()
  • wp_footer()
  • body_class()
  • post_class()
  • meta()

and we've also added WordPress gettext functions:

  • translate()
  • __()
  • _e()
  • _n()
  • _x()
  • _ex()
  • _nx()
  • _n_noop()
  • _nx_noop()
  • translate_nooped_plural()

WordPress filters

The Themosis WordPress Twig extension also provides a bunch of filters:

  • wpantispam
  • wpautop
  • wpnofollow
  • wptrimexcerpt
  • wptrimwords
  • zeroise

Here is an example on how to call these functions and filters within your Twig view:

    {{ wp_head() }}
<body {{ body_class('custom-class') }}>
    {% for post in posts %}
            <h2>{{ post.post_title|title }}</h2>
            <div>{{ post.post_content|wpautop }}</div>
            <a href="{{ fn.get_permalink(post.ID) }}">{{ __('Read more', 'text-domain') }}</a>
    {% endfor %}
    {{ wp_footer() }}


By default, Poedit cannot find strings to translate from Twig templates. Here is a list of parameters to add to your Poedit software preferences so it can detect translation strings from your Twig views:

  1. Open Poedit
  2. Go to Preferences -> Parsers
  3. Add a new parser with following settings:
    • Language: Twig
    • Extension: *.twig
    • Parser command: xgettext --language=Python --add-comments=TRANSLATORS --force-po -o %o %C %K %F
    • An item in keyword list: -k%k
    • An item in input files list: %f
    • Source code charset: --from-code=%c
  4. Click save

In order for this to work, you must have a poedit project correctly setup pointing to the languages folder of either your theme or custom plugin and define the gettext methods and resources base path. From the catalog preferences, set the sources paths like so:

  • Base path: ../
  • Paths:
    • inc
    • views

as well as adding the following gettext methods to the source keywords catalog tab:

  • __
  • _e
  • _n:1,2
  • _x:1,2c
  • _ex:1,2c
  • _nx:4c,1,2
  • esc_attr__
  • esc_attr_e
  • esc_attr_x:1,2c
  • esc_html__
  • esc_html_e
  • esc_html_x:1,2c
  • _n_noop:1,2
  • _nx_noop:3c,1,2
  • __ngettext_noop:1,2


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