


The Page class allows you to create custom WordPress administrative pages or to create WordPress Settings pages that leverage the WordPress Settings API.

Basic usage

In order to create a WordPress administration page, you first need to create a page instance by calling the make method followed by the set method in order to register the page within WordPress:

use Themosis\Support\Facades\Page;

Page::make('demo-page', 'Demo Page')
Page::make($slug, $title)
  • $slug: string The page slug
  • $title: string The page display title

Like other classes, it uses a set() method in order to register the instance.

By default, a page is empty. In order to customize your page content, you need to leverage the page "routing" methods.

This is not a routing system and the page API does not leverage the illuminate/routing package.

Set page menu

By default the page menu title text is using the value provided as the second argument to the make method. But you can provide a specific menu title by using the setMenu method on your page instance like so:

Page::make('demo-page', 'Very Long Title Rendered On Page')
    ->setMenu('Demo Page')

The page instance also provide a getter method getMenu if you need to retrieve the menu value in your code.

Set page icon

You can define a page menu icon on your page instance by calling the setIcon method:

Page::make('demo-page', 'Demo Page')

A getIcon method is available if you need to retrieve its value.

Set page position

In order to modify the page menu position in WordPress, you may use the setPosition method on your page instance:

Page::make('demo-page', 'Demo')

You can use the getPosition method to retrieve the page position value.

Set page parent

WordPress allows you to define your page as a children page. Call the setParent method to define the page parent:

Page::make('demo-page', 'Demo')

You can use another page slug as a parameter or one of the WordPress core names. The above example will show the page under the "Posts" menu.

You can retrieve the parent value by using the getParent method on your page instance.

Set page capability

In order to let administration users access the page, you can provide a custom capability to your page by using the setCapability method. By default, all pages have the manage_options capability.

Page::make('demo-page', 'Demo')

Like other setters, you can also retrieve the page capability value by calling the getCapability method.

Set page for network

If the WordPress installation is configured for multisite and that the page should be used at the network level, you may use the network method:

Page::make('demo-page', 'Demo')

The above code will render the page only at the multisite network level. The method accepts a boolean value as an argument and is set by default to true.

Page::make('demo-page', 'Demo')

The above code is rendering a classic administration page, making it available on a single WordPress installation.

Page routing

The page routing system is based on the WordPress action hooks and its action variable mechanism for handling administration requests. The implemented page routing system abstracts the WordPress hooks for ease-of-use.

Handle GET requests

By default, the page "routing" is configured to listen to GET requests. In order to define the default content of your page, you may use the route method and pass it the / value as the first parameter like so:

$page = Page::make('demo-page', 'Demo Page')

$page->route('/', function () {
    return view('admin.home');

The route method accepts as a first argument an action value (/ here) and a callback as a second argument.

On GET requests, the route callback must always return a view. You cannot return a string value directly. In the above example, the page default route is returning the admin.home view stored as the resources/views/admin/home.blade.php file:

<!-- Demo Page - Home view -->
<h1>Demo Page - Home</h1>
<p>This is the content for the page "/" route.</p>

Use a controller class

It is also possible to use a controller class as the callback with the route method using the ClassName@method syntax. You must specify the fully qualified class name as the namespace is not handled by the API.

Here is an example for a controller stored inside the App\Http\Controllers\Admin directory:

// App/Http/Controllers/Admin/DemoPageController.php

namespace App\Http\Controllers\Admin;

use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;

class DemoPageController extends Controller
    public function index()
        return view('admin.home');

The above DemoPageController can be used with the route method like so:

$page->route('/', 'App\Http\Controllers\Admin\DemoPageController@index');

Define custom actions

You can "listen" to different and multiple GET requests by specifying a custom action value as the first argument of a page route.

Each page route corresponds to a specific URL. In general, the default "home" URL of an administration page corresponds to the / parameter and looks like this:

If you define a custom route action value of about to the route method, the URL for the page is the following:

$page->route('about', 'App\Http\Controllers\Admin\DemoPageController@about');

// The page route URL

Note the action query variable and its corresponding value. The API is using the action variable to distinguish the different pages.

Handle POST requests

The page route method can also listen to POST requests. But before digging into the options available by the API, let's first explain how WordPress is managing administration POST requests.

In general, WordPress performs POST request on the admin-post.php file located at the following URL:

Which can dynamically be created with the admin_url() WordPress helper:


Inside the admin-post.php file, WordPress is performing a few actions. The one used behind the scene by the API is the call to the following action hook:


WordPress is looking after a $_POST['action'] variable on the request. So if your page must perform a POST request, your page form must send it to the admin-post.php URL and also have an input with an action name attribute and a custom value used by the page route API.

Here is a basic example of page POST route with a view containing a form that sends a request to the WordPress admin-post.php URL:

// 1 - The default GET request containing the form.
$page->route('/', 'App\Http\Controllers\Admin\DemoPageController@index');

// 2 - The POST route listening to the action "register".
$page->route('register', 'App\Http\Controllers\Admin\DemoPageController@register', 'post');

Note the third argument of the route method set to post.

The page view form must include an input with an action name attribute. Here with a hidden input:

<h1>Demo Page - Home</h1>
<form action="{{ admin_url('admin-post.php') }}" method="post">
    <input type="hidden" name="action" value="demo-page_register"/>

To avoid conflicts between pages, the action value must follow a specific syntax and be prefixed with the page slug PageSlug_Action. So for a route with a register action, the value in our example must be demo-page_register.

Also note that a page view automatically receive the page instance as a variable under the $__page variable name. The page instance also provides a getAction helper method to generate the correct action value like so:

<input type="hidden" name="action" value="{{ $__page->getAction('register') }}"/>

An administration page POST request should always be sent to the admin-post.php URL. Just like a GET request, you can attach a callback or a controller to the route method.

Because a POST request is sent to the admin-post.php URL, you can't return a view to the user but instead redirect to one of your page GET route:

$page->route('register', function () {
    // Perform some code...
    // Trigger some events...
    // Then redirect the user back to the page.
        'page' => 'demo-page'
    ], admin_url('admin.php')));
}, 'post');

WordPress Settings API

Beside building custom administration pages, the Themosis framework comes with an API to easily create WordPress settings pages.

In order to create a setting page, you have to define sections and custom settings per section.

Define sections

In order to define a section, simply use the Section class and pass a list of sections to the page addSections method like so:

use Themosis\Support\Section;

$page = Page::make('demo-settings', 'Settings')

    new Section('general', 'General'),
    new Section('social', 'Social')

You can add as many sections as you want. Each section instance requires a section ID and section display title as parameters.

Now that we have sections, let's add settings.

Define settings

To define settings for your page, simply call the addSettings method on your page instance and pass an associative array where the key is the section ID and the value is an array of fields/settings:

    'general' => [
    'social' => [

See the field guide for more information about available fields and options.


The page API is now leveraging the illuminate/validation package in order to validate the page settings. Simply pass a list of validation rules by setting the rules option on the page fields:

    'general' => [
        Field::text('title', [
            'rules' => 'required|min:6'
    'social' => [
        Field::text('twitter', [
            'rules' => 'required|url'

See the list of available validation rules on the official Laravel documentation.

The page API also displays the errors messages on top of the page.

Retrieve option

When the API stores a setting value, the option name is automatically prefixed by the new field API. The default prefix is th_. So for example, if you define a field with a name of title like in the previous example, the value is stored under the th_title option inside the WordPress options database table.

In order to retrieve your option value, simply use the get_option WordPress function:

$title = get_option('th_title');

The function also allows you to return a default value if the option does not exist:

$title = get_option('th_title', 'Default Title');

Change the prefix

The page API provides a setPrefix method in order to customize the prefix used to store the options:


It is best to define the prefix after defining the sections and settings of your page.


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