


The framework has one system requirement before getting started:

  • PHP >= 5.6.4

Otherwise the server requirements are the same as for WordPress. Check here for default WordPress requirements.

Install Composer

The Themosis framework uses Composer to manage its dependencies and easily loads its files. Please follow the instructions here in order to install Composer either locally or globally on your computer.

On Windows, you can use the Composer Windows installer.

We recommend you to install Composer globally on your system.

Install Themosis framework

Open your Terminal or Console and execute the following command:

composer create-project themosis/themosis my-project-name

This will create a directory called my-project-name on your system and automatically download the latest WordPress version along with the latest Themosis framework version and its dependencies.

Project structure

Open your my-project-name folder. You should find the following files and directories:

+-- bootstrap/
+-- config/
|   +-- environments/
|   +-- environment.php
|   +-- shared.php
+-- htdocs/
|   +-- cms/
|   +-- content/
|   +-- index.php
|   +-- wp-config.php
+-- library/
+-- storage/
+-- vendor/
+-- .env.local
+-- composer.json
+-- wp-cli.yml

The bootstrap directory is where the framework paths, Composer autoloading, framework environment, constant declarations and shared configuration are setup.

The config directory is where you defined your application configuration per environment as well as the shared one. By default, the framework comes with local.php and production.php environment configuration files inside the config/environments folder.

The htdocs folder is the web root directory. Because WordPress is defined as a dependency, the framework installs the latest WordPress version inside the cms folder.

The framework also modifies the default wp-content location. Your WordPress plugins and themes should all be installed inside the content directory.

The library directory contains Themosis custom classes that handle environment loading. It's a framework dependency and may contain other classes to help bootstrap the application.

The storage directory is used to store pre-compiled view files and other temporary files. Since release 1.3, the storage directory stores compiled Blade and Twig views.

Note: If you install the framework in a "classic" WordPress project, make sure to add a storage, storage/views and storage/twig directories inside your wp-content folder.

Your project will have a vendor directory installed. This vendor directory is created by default by Composer. It stores package dependencies used by the Themosis framework.


Habitually, you define your environment variables like database name, database user, authentication salts and other WordPress configurations inside the wp-config.php file.

With the Themosis framework, those configurations are extracted from the web root and located in the parent folder, at project root. The framework allows you to define multiple environments: local, production, staging,... and to specify configuration and access per environment.

Follow the Environment guide and see how to install your WordPress application on a local and production environment/server.


Read the environment setup guide


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